OCT Business Solutions provides the below links as a service to our clients and Web site visitors. We can not accept responsibility for the content or actions of these sites. We trust that you will enjoy all the information. Please feel free to email us any other links you might have found useful.
Link | Address | Type of Information |
MYOB Australia | http://www.myob.com.au | MYOB Australia's Web site |
MYOB Support Notes | http://support.myob.com.au/snote.cfm | Search the extensive range of MYOB support Notes available. |
MYOB Global | http://www.myob.com | The Global MYOB Website. |
Business Australia | http://www.business.gov.au | An Australian Government site with loads of information about business in Australia |
Business Victoria | http://www.business.vic.gov.au | A site designed to help business in Victoria |
Workcover | http://www.workcover.gov.au | A site designed to help you know what your workcover obligations are. |
WebJet | http://www.webjet.com.au | A site that allows you to book flights online, saving you time and money. |
David Maister | http://www.davidmaister.com | David Maister is a author of many books to assist practices in their operations. |
White Pages | http://www.whitepages.com.au | The White Pages telephone directory - for individuals and businesses |
Yellow Pages | http://www.yellowpages.com.au | The Yellow Pages telephone directory - only for businesses |
Whereis | http://www.whereis.com.au | "Where is" is a site which will give you directions on how to get from one place to another. Great for the new client. |
ATO | http://www.ato.gov.au |
The Australian Taxation Office main web site. |
Send mail to customer.service@oct.com.au
with questions or comments about this web site.
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